Monday, October 5, 2009

Wow, it's been awhile!

Let's see.......since my last post here is a quick list of all that has happened.

-our baby Anderson became a one year old and is now 15.5 mths old
-We have a new baby cooking in the over (6.5 mths pregnant)
-Grace became a Kindergartner
-We sold our house
-We moved into my father-in-laws house
-Eli turned 7
-Grace turned 5
-I turned 32
-Emilie hasn't had her birthday yet but she will be NINE is January and she is turning the corner into becoming a young lady. It's just there in the way she moves, talks, and loves coffee( I am serious!) It is a rare treat.

We are doing really well considering all the changes. God has provided for us in amazing ways. Grace is really enjoying kindergarten. She is just so happy and cheerful at the end of the day. Her teacher Mrs. Morris is very gifted. Emilie and Eli are both enjoying their teachers and friends. I am excited to be working in the classroom every Thursday. My sweet Mother has offered to meet me at Portland Christian Elementary every Thursday and watch Anderson for the day so that I can help in all three classrooms throughout the day. This was very important to me since I will not be able to help the second part of the year. Our third boy is due January 20th but my mid-wife says I should just be ready after Christmas. So, we shall see.

I am sad that I can not put any pictures on my blog right now but hopefully I will be able to soon.
I miss my blog friends. Hmmmm, I wonder who will be the first to check my blog after such a loooooooong time?

Oh my goodness how precious time is!


Lisa Joy said...

ME, ME, I'm the first one! (And I'm checking it at there something wrong with this picture?!)

I've been wondering a lot lately about how you're doing, so I'm so glad to see an update! I was shopping for James today and thinking, "I wonder if Anna knows if she's having a boy or girl yet!" :-) MISS YOU lots!!

Stephanie said...

SO good to get an update from you, Anna! I can't believe Emilie is going to be NINE. Wow!

momaof4 said...

We miss you!! Darren and I say often we wished we lived closer to you guys. We might have to do an overnighter this winter, before baby comes. ;)

Love you bunches.

Heather Elizabeth said...

I happened to check your blog today! YEAH! Love you ALWAYS!

Ginger said...

Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!!!!! Seriously? Anderson is 15.5 months??? So much has happened since we've been gone. I'm so excited for your new little one, CONGRATULATIONS! How fun to be in all the class rooms! And you moved? You've been busy girl!

Miss you tons and am sending hugs your way!

Reshma McClintock said...

i love you anna :)

Katy said...

O.K. I had typed an entire smart alick response and coudln't post it! What's with that? Maybe I need sleep. It is 8.30pm after all. I love you and miss you! How the heck do we live close and NOT get together??? We must make a pact to get together. AND SOON!
See you soon..... =D