Sunday, December 21, 2008

Little House

Our power went out tonight from 4p.m. until 8:45, it was a lot of fun. We got out the candles and flashlights. Aaron already had a fire going in the fireplace so that was good. We got our games and craft books and had a great time. Aaron put a blanket over the entry to our downstairs living room and it was nice and toasty in there. Our neighbors told us that PGE said it may take awhile to get the power on again so we got all our bedding out and planned on a slumber party. The kids were loving it. At one point the lights came back on and we all simultaneously gave a disappointed sigh.Then to our delight, the power went out again for another couple hours. At around 7:30 our neighbor Debbie came over to visit and get warm. She stayed to hear Aaron tell us all a bedtime story. Aaron is a great story teller and we all enjoyed it. When the power came back on Debbie headed home and the girls chose to sleep in their beds. Eli wanted to still have a slubber party so I laid with him until he fell asleep. Tonight felt like we lived during the Little House on the Prairie times. It was wonderful......for a night!


red-headed Wilson's said...

how fun Anna! I would love to hear Aaron tell us a story on our friends weekend!
Isn't this weather just insane. Our power flickered a few times yesterday and I was sort of hoping it would go out. :) kids make everything bad into parties! I love it.

Anna, I am so sorry about your sister. I have been praying for you guys and send you our love!

momaof4 said...

As long as we didn't have to do dishes or laundry! ;)

We didn't have power all night till this morning. So we headed over to my sisters for the night, to stay toasty warm and have a yummy breakfast.

Katy said...

What a great memory maker! We have dinners somtimes with just candles. The kids call it 'lights-out' and EVERY light is required to be turned off.
Love you!

Reshma McClintock said...

We totally wussed out and went to Kevin's parents house :) ...r...

Heather Elizabeth said...

I wish I could have been a fly on the wall during story time with neighbor Debbie :-) Fun!!