Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I have to title all my blogs as "Update" since it takes me so long between blogs.

Oh my goodness can you believe it. I am actually posting a blog. I want to explain my last post. What happened was that I had typed the title and then I accidentally pushed enter. Only the title got posted and then my computer froze up. I gave up and went to bed. I didn't remember until a week later.
Anyway, it was my intention to write a bit about the death of my sister Gretta and how we were all doing. I thought about just skipping this subject altogether but that would not be real and it would not be an honest representation of how life is going right now. The short of things is that we all miss Gretta terribly and Christmas will not be without a strong ache in our hearts. Some days are full of joy and fun. Some days are full of tears. That is just the nature of mourning the loss of someone you love. Because Gretta's death was so sudden and so unexpected it is hard for my heart and mind to fully except what has happened. I know it is just a process that God and time will heal. Kevin and the girls are hanging in there. I am sure Christmas is going to be tough. For those of you who do not know, my mom has moved into there house and is helping with the girls and around the house. My plan is to visit over there at least once per week and twice is even better. I try to call every other day to keep in touch. Zoie and Sydney want me to bring Anderson over so they can cuddle him. He has been such a source of comfort for the girls. Whenever we have arrived in the past month Sydney or Zoie have picked him up right away and pretty much taken turns holding and kissing him. He has been a good source of laughter too. I know God is using him to help me heal too. I wish I could post a recent picture but I cannot post pictures on this computer. Our old computer broke and we are borrowing this one. (It is so hard to not be able to post pictures. Errrg!) Anderson will be six months on Christmas Eve, can you believe it? I can't! He is such a sweet happy baby. We are just loving him!

As far as life in general, we are finally all healthy. Let's see, Eli got the stomach flu about a week and a half ago. Grace got it 3 days later. Emilie got it 2 days after Grace. Anderson got a very mild case a day after Emilie. Then I got it. Aaron got it this last Saturday night and NOW we are all healthy. I am loving the snow and so hope the kids get the rest of the week off. I LOVE having them all home. We are all really looking forward to Christmas break. Now that Aaron works at Portland Christian he gets 2 weeks off also. Yeah!!!! This is just what the Dr. ordered. I am going to leave you with two funny things the kids said this last week.


Grace "Mommy, did you get sick last night?"
Me "Yes, I did."
Grace "Did you throw up?"
Me "Yes, I did."
Grace "What color was it?"

Eli said this in the car on the way home from school. I was looking forward watching the road and he was talking to me.
Eli "Mom, is my wee wee the smallest?"
Me "What?!"
Eli "Is my wee wee the smallest?"
My mind is going crazy thinking of crazy thoughts like, who in the world is he comparing his wee wee with. Oh my goodness! I came to a stop light and turned around.
Me "Eli, what are talking about?"
Eli held up his hand and wiggled his PINKY. "You know mom, my wee wee. It's the smallest one."
I was laughing so hard I started crying.

Thank you God for such wonderful kids that make me laugh and bring joy to my heart!!!!


Heather Elizabeth said...

So proud of you Anna! I am really looking forward to spending time together in the coming weeks. Hugs to you all and hopefully the flu is history for a LONG time.

amy in peru said...

You have hilarious kids!

I pray for you all every time I think of you. Another friend of mine lost a son a couple of months ago so, every time I think of either of you, I pray for both of you :)

I just praise the Lord for that baby of yours! What a BLESSING babies are! Mya is the same for me. A true source of happiness.

Keep your eyes on Jesus. Christmas is a good time for that!
Love you and hope that you can remember HIM extra this year.

Katy said...

Oh.my.gosh. Those kiddos of your make me laugh too! Love you all much!!!

momaof4 said...

That is to funny!

We are praying for you all. I am thankful for the update. I can focus our prayers on Christmas. It is hard at any season no matter how many years have gone by.

BIG HUGS. Maybe we can see you after Christmas?

Reshma McClintock said...

This is SUCH a great post. Praying for you and your family...I know those kiddy pies will keep your days FULL of laughter and JOY! Love you. ...r...

Ginger said...

For some reason I lost your blog address - it's good to catch up with you.

Oh, don't you love the things they say???? Wee-wee. niiiiice.

Love you!!!