Saturday, October 20, 2007

3 little words

Grace said something that amazed Aaron and I last night. Emilie and Eli had fallen asleep very quickly so we took the opportunity to spend a little time with just Grace. She got to get out of bed and come out to chat with Aaron and I. (we do this periodically with each child) Aaron and I were talking about something and he teased me so I teased him back and said, " I have one word for you PRIDE." (sounds mean but it was really just a tease and Aaron knew it) Well, little miss tape recorder said with a big smile, " I have one word for you, PRIDE." We laughed and gave her a little tickle. Just as we began to talk again Grace says, " I have one word for you, die to self."( this is pretty much the opposite of pride) Aaron and I looked over at her in amazement. We have not used those particular words with Grace and really nothing even close to that. I asked her where she heard that and she said she didn't know. I asked if her class at church had talked about it and she said no. (with a giggle) I asked if it was from one of her videos and she said no. (with a giggle) God used her to encourage Aaron and I. Those 3 little words keep going through my head. Thank you for the reminder Grace.

Here are a few random pictures of this past week. :)

The first three pictures are at Eli's soccer game. The girls dressed up as cheer leaders to cheer Eli on! Eli was all smiles after the game. Eli said to me the other day out of the blue, " Mom, I am so excited to play soccer today. It's not scoring the goals that is fun. I just really like to go run around and be with the kids." The last picture is of Emilie and Grace playing dress up tonight. We didn't have a bonnet for Grace so Emilie had the great idea of using Eli's baseball hat. I put a red napkin around it then tied it with a big bow. It wasn't perfect but I think it turned out O.K. Emilie is always coming up with great ideas like this.


Katy said...

Oh my. What a fabulous gift those three words are. God is crazy, huh?
No wonder Em is creative....YOU'RE creative! Great photos to go with a great week.
Hugs to you.

momaof4 said...

The kids are getting SO big. In looks and in what they say. I love it. Hope your all good!!!

Ginger said...

Wow... Out of the mouths of babes! I think they are SO much more clued in than we give them credit for.

Ginger said...

Wow... Out of the mouths of babes! I think they are SO much more clued in than we give them credit for.

Reshma McClintock said...

Grace is such a blessing, true to her name. Kevin and I ADORE her. Xoxo, resh.

Heather Elizabeth said...

Love the photo of the girls. These photos are so great. We had such a good time with you this weekend. Can't wait to see you Sat!