Monday, June 9, 2008

A treat for my feet!

This Saturday I was treated to a pre-delivery pedicure and manicure by my sweet sister-in-law Heather. I had mentioned in my previous blog that this day was coming up. It was a great morning and afternoon. Heather, Aunt Vickie, (Aaron and Heather's Aunt) and I had a great time together. We sat, relaxed, and talked while receiving some wonderful pampering. As much as I enjoyed the pedicure and manicure, the best part for me was the company! I had decided ahead of time that I was going to do something a little funky with my nails since I am in my last month of pregnancy and I just wanted to have some fun with it. My first thought was to do have them put poka (sp?) dots on my nails but Aunt Vickie came up with a better idea. So, she picked the colors and I went with a multi-colored theme. Aaron was reminded of M&M's when he saw the colors. Boston, ( my nephew, Heathers son) had a great time naming all the colors that he saw. He especially liked the green, as he named it at least three times more often than it actually appeared on my nails. He is so cute, he cracks me up! After our nails were done were started getting hungry. I think Aunt Vickie could have waited a little longer to eat but she was being sensitive to the two pregnant Mama's. Heather treated me to a lunch and it was very yummy. I am craving the salad right now. It was so nice to get away, have great conversation, and just have fun! Thank you Heather for that special day! I only hope this nail polish stays on until I deliver. I just know that Anderson will appreciate the beautiful array of colors! :) Oh, I should mention, the name we have picked for our soon to arrive son is Anderson Landeen Lewis! We will probably call him Andy for short.

Heather and I ( too bad you can't really see our pregnant bellies)


Katy said...

Sweet! Glad you had great time. I think your nail look more like skittles (sp?). If the colors do stay on, it might distract you from pushing??? =) Love you!

Heather Elizabeth said...

I had such a good time too. And thanks for inviting us over for pizza. Boston is still talking about the fun we had!

Reshma McClintock said...

Cute toes! Cute girls! I'm happy you had fun and were pampered some before Anderson comes. LOVE the name by they way!! ...r...

Ally said...

What cute toes you girls have! Best of luck on your impending delivery!