We have entered one of the fullest seasons of our lives. Right now Aaron is going to school and working full time. We decided to have him double up on his classes so that he could be done in time for our new baby boy's arrival. He has been working so hard and has been getting amazing grades. He has continued to work full time so we can keep eating and having a home to live in. :) What a man! So, in May Aaron will be graduating and we are getting so excited for him to reach this goal he has been working so hard at. We have both needed to pitch in and carry a bigger load this year. To add to this excitement, we are getting our house ready to sale. Through much prayer we have decided to send our kids to school next year. Emilie and Eli will be going to Good Shepherd school. This is the school that is connected with our church. We are at peace with this decision and feel that this is what is best for this coming year. We have home- schooled the last two years, so this will be a BIG change for our family. The thought of not having them with me all day is so hard for me but we are taking things a year at a time. We are planning to move very close to the school so that we can have less time in the car and more time together. I also want to be very involved and I just can't stand the thought of being far away from where they are. This means, that within the next 5.5 months Aaron will be graduating ( but he will be taking classes through July), we will be putting our house up for sale, having a baby :), finding and moving to a new house, and transitioning with the kids to a new way of schooling. Now, I have to admit, when I write this out it looks impossible. There have been days that I fail miserably on trusting the Lord and you know what, everybody in my home pays dearly for my attitude problems. When I allow fear to overwhelm me that is when I fall apart. But when I remember the truth of God's word, and chose to believe it with my whole heart, my heart is at rest. God sees 5 months from now and he sees 5 years from now, so worrying will not add one single day to my life. I have to repeat these truths to myself because at times I am overwhelmed. I find, however, that when doubt or fear come pushing through like a semi-truck I often hear the Holy Spirit's still small voice say, "Trust Me!" Then there are other times when I feel a gentle kick within me or I hear the kids playing together so lovingly and I am reminded of God's amazing grace and love for me. Do you need a reminder of that today. If you do, here it is....God loves you! Seek Him with all your heart. He is the author of everyday of your life so let go of tomorrow and follow His will today.
I could use prayer for strength and that I can be a joyful wife and mother throughout the next few months.
"Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure," Psalms 16:9
You ARE an amazing wife and mother, dear Anna! It often seems that life happens this way--in large chunks instead of small nibbles. If you ask Him, God will be faithful to give you the strength and endurance as you need it, day by day. He will open doors when they need to be opened and nudge your heart in the right direction. I'd love to help however I can--I'm good at packing boxes or bringing a meal!--so don't hesitate to call on me. Love you lots! :-)
Hey Anna. I missed seeing you guys at the Baya's Mt. House. I am amazed at all you guys are taking on but it sounds like when these next 6 months are over and you start the next 6 months things will be running smoother because of the changes you are accompishing now. God is good and things work out when you are in His will. :)
We will be praying, and please know we are here to help in any way shape or form :) We love you guys.
(And red-headed wilson's...it's Bayha , tee,hee!!)
awesome anna!
Yes, I did need to hear, er, read that! Thanks!
You are doing a great job, I will be praying, and you must call when you need ANYTHING!
Love you Anna...call me when you need me...Kevin and I are ready!! ...R...
A full plate can mean more blessings. Keep up the good attitude. We are praying for you!
You know I'm excited to have you closer to me, don't you?! :)
This will be a year you will never forget!
I just want you to know that I KNOW what you're going through! hahahah. Been there, done that, and am praying for you, because it is absolutely possible to do all that, and do it well! But not in your own strength, only by FAITH in the GRACE of God! Of course, you know that, you beautiful lady!
I am just so glad to have found your blog, that I'm going to comment on every entry! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I think I'm funny alright :)
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